Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Offering Opportunities
Thank you to all who have continued to support our mission at Trinity. Our good work has carried on. While we have not had the opportunity to contribute through the passing of the plate, the following options are available to us:
1. Donate Now - Give a one time or ongoing donation via credit card on our Secure Site with Vanco Online now.
1. Simply Giving - Automated giving with Simply Giving via a transfer from your savings or checking account to Trinity’s bank account. To start, please complete the Simply Giving form. Please sign the form, take a picture of the form, and also take a picture of a voided check and email both pictures to office@tlcsparta.org. In addition, you can mail your Simply Giving form to Trinity (address below) or to Myrt, Trinity’s administrative assistant, at Mary Holte, 302 Ulland Ave., Westby, WI 54667.
2. Check - Mail your check to the Trinity Lutheran Church, 612 N. Water St., Sparta, WI 54656
3. Vanco Mobile - Learn More Here
4. Text-to-Give - Giving is as Simple as a text message. Learn more HERE.
5. Drop an offering into our secure drop box outside Trinity's Front Door. Next to the Resource Box.
Bear in mind, any of these electronic/Internet automatic methods can be changed at any time and you can go back to giving in person when you choose to do so.
God’s Love, Our Hearts. God’s Work, Our Hands.
Give with a Happy Heart!
Tithe, Loose Change Offerings, Food Pantry, SACS, Silent Auctions
We are always in need of people who wish to serve during worship services, in the fellowship hall, during special events, as prayer partners, on the grounds, or in the community!
Come, share your gifts with us!
Music, Education, Quilting...whatever your gift is, share it with us while having a wonderful time with your peers!
For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have.
2 Corinthians 8:12
We are called to serve one another, and there is no service too big or too small. Please talk with God about spiritual gifts and serving your brothers and sisters. Without each other, there would be no food at the table!! (Read Hebrews 6:10)
If you feel drawn to serve in any capacity please contact Christin Today!!!
Christin Gasner – Ministry Coordinator
Email: ministry@tlcsparta.org – Phone 608-633-8023