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The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.




Women’s Circles

Shalom Circle meets the second Thursday of every month at 1:30 pm in the Shalom Room. 

In 2021 the record 63 baby care kits were assembled and packed.  They were shipped

with the quilts.  For Christmas 2021 the Shalom Circle gave uniforms and school supplies for 2 girls.

Mary Circle is scheduled to meet the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month in the Shalom Room.

The Gather magazine provides our monthly Bible study.  Our offering at each meeting is given

to the TLCW for local mission donations and we forward another portion of our monthly

offering to the Pioneer Club to assist the general fund at Sugar Creek Bible Camp where

many of us attend retreats.  Summer and holiday months our meetings are subject to change

(announced via emails).  Sometimes we meet at individual member homes for informal gatherings.   

We always welcome new people to Mary Circle!  

Mary Circle thanks Debbie Bassett for her years of being our contact person and keeping us going.  

Joy Circle meets the second Thursday of each month for Bible study, fellowship and stewardship.

This past year, due to Covid we have met outside when the weather allowed, sometimes having

to cancel but recently meeting in the Shalom room again following Covid restrictions.  Our offerings

have been disbursed as the following:  $154 for Trinity Camperships; $87 to Back to School Program;

and $143 to the Family Christmas Drive.  If you are interested in Women's Bible Study and

fellowship we would love to have you join us as we start a new study in our ELCA 

women's magazine, Gather.  Watch the tidings for the date and time and if you

would like, bring a friend!  You can pick up a copy of the study from the church office.  


If you would like more information on joining a women's circle, please contact one of these women and they will gladly assist you:


Mary Circle - Barb Moorhead - 608-487-3721

Joy Circle - Jean Hayes - 269-6121

Shalom Circle - Adell Morton - 608-269-7039




Mother's Ministry


This is a community where Christian mothers of all ages can come together to find support, encouragement, and wisdom from other mothers who are dedicated to keeping Jesus Christ the foundation of their home. This is a place where we can find mentors, build relationships, gain spiritual growth, and share ways to guide our children with love and gentleness, toward a rich life where they continually follow Jesus. We can remind each other to anchor our days in the Word of God, and seek His ways in the raising up of our children.


Join us on Facebook!


Woman of the ELCA


Women of the ELCA, the women’s organization of the church, has thousands of participants in thousands of congregations. Together we are committed to growing in faith, affirming our gifts, supporting one another in our callings, and engaging in ministry and action that promotes justice and wholeness for all people.”



A companion for your journey, offering a faith reflection every day. Encounter God’s extravagant, boundless and often surprising grace.


Daily Grace:  Bless us with Courage


Daily Grace : Enough Room




Café is an on-line magazine, that shares stories written by bold young women who write about faith, relationships, advocacy and more. Readers and writers of Café include pastors, seminary and college students, and other young adult women who use Café as a Bible study resource individually or with a group.

Although many women in their 20s and 30s contribute in every issue, Café can be used and shared by women of all ages.


Article - God as Mother



We are rooted in the love of God, made known through Jesus Christ, and believe that we are called to share the gospel through word and deed.


Senior Pastor: Pastor Josh Buzbee​






612 North Water Street

Sparta, WI 54656

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