The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Mission Endowment Fund
Trinity Lutheran Mission Endowment Fund offers scholarships to confirmed Lutherans who are members of Trinity. April 28th is the application deadline for 2024 scholarships from the Mission Endowment Fund. Applications are available in the office or online for 2024 high school graduates, or currently enrolled technical college and university/college students who will be enrolled in 2024/2025 school year. You may also email a request for the application by contacting Myrt (office@tlcsparta.org
Students currently attending or planning to attend a post-secondary institution including one or two year programs at a technical college, or a 4 year degree program at a university or college are eligible to apply. The application includes the one page Mission Endowment form; your most current high school or postsecondary transcript; and a letter of recommendation from a non-relative community member.
Trinity members are invited to encourage our graduating high school students and enrolled college students to return the application materials to the church office by April 28th. Each year a portion of earnings from the Mission Endowment Fund is allocated for Trinity members continuing postsecondary education. The scholarship is one way your gift to the Trinity Mission Endowment Fund keeps giving. For more information about the Trinity Mission Endowment Fund contact Mark Baltz, Chair, Mission Endowment Committee (m.g.baltz@charter.net)
Application forms are available in the church office OR Click HERE for an application
Matching Funds for College Grants
If you are a member of Trinity who is interested in attending an ELCA college or university, you can receive a matching fund college grant. Trinity Lutheran participates in the Matching Funds for College Grants program. The Matching Funds for College Grants program is a cooperative venture between participating ELCA Lutheran colleges and congregations. The colleges agree to match grants given to students from local congregations up to $750 per student each year. The grants may be given to students for a total of four years per student. The scholarship form is due by June 30, 2024 to the Trinity office.
Anyone interested in knowing more about this program, please contact us.
Linda Frei 269-6636 or Barb Moorhead 487-3721. Click Here for an application