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Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.”
Isaiah 58:10

Trinity Lutheran is a mission minded congregation.  We support local, regional, and international efforts to reach out to those in need. 

Part of our identity here is caring for the least among us.




Because that is who Jesus is!


Our most recent mission was to fight world hunger.  Our Synod raised $58,000, and Trinity itself raised over $4,500!!  Matthew 6:21 Says “for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Rest assured we do very cool and wise things with monetary means at Trinity.  And not just world wide, but also in the community we live in.  Food Pantry, blood drives, crop walk, SACS, and Habitat for Humanity are just some of our ongoing missions.  This righteous behavior is fun to participate in. 

It is a glorious thing to impact the world and see God’s Kingdom move.  It is wonderful to see people with purpose act.



The Ecumenical Bread Basket Food Pantry

 114 N. Water Street

Helps provide persons & families in need in Sparta with basic groceries. If you are in need of groceries, the food pantry is open

Tuesday - Friday 10 am – 12 pm 

Tuesday  5 pm – 7 pm

If you are interested in donating non-perishable food items, they are always accepted outside the office! If you would like to volunteer your time, Trinity provides Food Pantry workers on Wednesdays. Contact the office, (608)-269-5081 or, to get plugged in!



Sparta Area Cancer Support (SACS)

Citizens of Sparta, WI and it’s surrounding communities are continually faced with cancer. Being in such a close knit community, taking care of one another and lending a hand in the time of need are a natural part of life. This is why the Sparta Area Cancer Support, Inc.  was formed.

Applications to apply for assistance can be downloaded on the Forms page or picked up at Coverra Insurance Services at 535 Industrial Dr in Sparta. Be sure to check the service area map to make sure SACS can offer you assistance.

 Point of Contact:



Lutheran World Relief 

An international organization that Trinity supports with collections of health kits and school kits for those in need overseas. 

Our Quilting Group also ships more than 100 quilts overseas annually! Please visit



 Habitat for Humanity

Monroe County Habitat for Humanity, Inc is part of a global, nonprofit housing organization operated on Christian principles that seeks to put God’s love into action by building homes, communities and hope. Monroe County Habitat for Humanity, Inc is dedicated to eliminating substandard housing locally and worldwide through constructing, rehabilitating and preserving homes; by advocating for fair and just housing policies; and by providing training and access to resources to help families improve their shelter conditions.   Habitat for Humanity was founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child should have a simple, durable place to live in dignity and safety, and that decent shelter in decent communities should be a matter of conscience and action for all. All Are Welcome Monroe County Habitat for Humanity, Inc has an open-door policy: All who believe that everyone needs a decent, affordable place to live are welcome to help with the work, regardless of race, religion, age, gender, political views or any of the other distinctions that too often divide people.

Point of Contact:

Kathleen Sumrall 608-487-2799  ~ Anita Jensen 608-269-2325 

Trinity Member, Anna Moorhead is serving 1 year as an ELCA Young Adult in Global Mission in Southern Africa


We are rooted in the love of God, made known through Jesus Christ, and believe that we are called to share the gospel through word and deed.


Senior Pastor: Pastor Josh Buzbee​






612 North Water Street

Sparta, WI 54656

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