We are rooted in the love of God, made known through Jesus Christ, and believe that we are called to share the gospel through word and deed.
Together in Jesus Christ we are freed by grace to live faithfully, witness boldly and serve joyfully.
Trinity Lutheran Church is a part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). We have a nearly 140 year history in Sparta, with worshipers less than 9 days old & more than 90 years old.
Meet The Ministry Staff
Michelle Hyatt
Trinity Lutheran Church Council
The members of the church council and your church officers want to hear from you. Please feel free to talk to any of us in person or contact us by phone.
Blaine Markuson, President - bmarkuson31@gmail.com
Steve Bernett, Vice-President - tolongdogs@aol.com
Connie Jerome, Secretary - conniejerome6@gmail.com
Tammy Barclay, Treasurer- wood_n_quilts@hotmail.com
Dan Amundson
Alton Ask
Bob Emery
Kelly Funk
Bill Herrman
Isaac Larson
Brittany Michalski
Jack Miller
Jim Moorhead
Joel Oppriecht
Matt Schroeder
JoEllen Siver
Kristine Tock
Bob Emery