If you can't feed one hundred people, then feed just one
- Mother Teresa
Hello everyone! Did you know that the Holy Spirit has a gift for you? That’s right! One of the most exciting and satisfying aspects of our spiritual growth is using the gifts of the spirit to help build up the body of Christ. (Read 1st Corinthians 12 & Ephesians 4)
We are called to serve one another, and there is no service too big or too small. Please talk with God about spiritual gifts and serving your brothers and sisters. Without each other, there would be no food at the table!! (Read Hebrews 6:10)
If you feel drawn to serve in any capacity please contact Christin or Pastor Josh Today!
Or, fill out a Time and Talents form now!
Christin Gasner – Ministry Coordinator
Email: ministry@tlcsparta.org – Phone 608-633-7447

Communion Server
Lay Reader
Host Coffee and Fellowship
Nursery Care

Church Library
Clean (2 Hours / year)
Donate food / Bake for church functions
Serve at Funerals
Count Church Offerings
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer Partners

​Help with 4G
JAM (Jesus and Me)
Supply Food for Youth Events
Adult Leaders - Events
Adult Volunteers - Events

Alleluia Choir (7-8PM Wed.)
Handbells (6-7PM Wed.)
JAM Angel Band (Grades PreK - 5)
Worship Team
Choir Director
Instrument Accompaniment
Provide Special Music

Sunday School Teacher
Sunday School Assistant
Substitute Sunday School Teacher
Christmas Program Helper
Christmas Program Director
Vacation Bible School Committee
Children's Library Reader
Adult Education Leader
Faith Formation Adult Guitde
Adult or Men's Bible Study Participation

Homebound Visitation
Homebound Communion
Evangelism Visitation
Nursing Home Communion (1st Wed. of month)
Nursing Home Visitation
Newcomer Visitation
New Member Sponsor
Transport Elderly or those with Special Needs
Stewardship Support
Habitat for Humanity, Blood Drives, Disaster Relief

Speaking, Writing, Editing
Posters & Art
Video & Photography
Worship Sound
Projector Operator
Social Media / Website

“Women of the ELCA, the women’s organization of the church, has thousands of participants in thousands of congregations. Together we are committed to growing in faith, affirming our gifts, supporting one another in our callings, and engaging in ministry and action that promotes justice and wholeness for all people.”
Women's Bible Study
Craft Fair Worker

Church Council
Worship / Music
Parish Education
Personnel Team
Youth & Family Ministry
Altar Guild
Endowment Team
Synod Team
Milestone Ministry
Sugar Creek Representative
Matching Grants
Mission Interpreters
Church History