Buildings and Grounds
As the Building and Grounds Team we provide and maintain the physical facilities of the congregation of Trinity Lutheran Church.
Members are Bob Lydon, Dan Amundson, Al Jenkins, Dean Weibel, Brent Gerl, Gary Haskins, & Jean Hays.
Prayer Partners at Trinity
Our prayers are for healing, concerns, jubilations, honors, achievements; our life’s challenges and rewards as printed in our ‘prayer chain’ we point out to God our needs and joys. Here at Trinity our “chain ministry” lifts up the concerns of our community of friends to God in prayer. We say prayers while we work, walk, eat, chat with others, wait for appointments and the list goes on which makes it much easier to share with Him our most difficult moments in life. As Christians on our journey of faith we start our day asking and doing His will for the day and then in the evening we thank God for our day, sharing our thoughts and thanking Him for His care.
So, whether you are on the prayer chain or just a caring member of Trinity you are a Trinity Prayer Partner.
If you want to offer a prayer request, share a prayer, or want to pray daily for others you can join our Prayer Partner Team,
just e-mail Jonelle at Jonelle@theintihars.com or the office office@tlcsparta.org and ask to be included for our weekly words of prayer.
James 5: 16b … “Pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”
Communion Extension Ministry Team
The Communion Extension Ministry is a ministry of extending communion from Sunday worship to Trinity’s home-bound members.
The time commitment for this program is about 20-40 minutes per month which is typically a communion service with your assigned Trinity home-bound member.
We normally have our Communion Extension Ministry on the third Sunday of the month although, the time and date that you make a visit is entirely up to the Communion Extension team member and their assigned home-bound Trinity member.
In our Sunday worship some are not able to come forward to received the bread and wine of communion and we bring the elements to them, where they are seated. In a similar way, communion extension occurs when someone bring the elements of communion from the church to where someone lives or is hospitalized. The ministry offers these people a means of participating in worship of the whole assembly and it helps those who gathered publicly to recognize their oneness with sisters and brothers who are absent.
Who may be a Communion Extension Ministry member ? If you are a confirmed member of Trinity, you can be a part of this ministry. We can team you up with someone else who is on the Communion Extension Ministry team if you prefer to go as a team. We can also do a shared communion visit where team members switch off visiting a Trinity member going every other month. You can also be assigned to your
I would also like to thank those current members of the Communion Extension Ministry team at Trinity Lutheran for their assistance with this vital ministry program at Trinity Lutheran. I have listed their names below:
Phi and Diane Dammen
Alice Olson
Karen Edwards
Dennis and Carol Glaman
Sarah Nelson
Kathleen Sumrall
If you are interested in becoming part of our Communion Extension Ministry team, please contact me at 608-633-2939 or email me at ddengel@amfam.com.
Thank you,
Doug Dengel
Trinity Quilters meet each Monday and Friday from 9:00-11:00 in the Fellowship Hall.
Most of the quilts we complete go through Lutheran World Relief (LWR) to needy people in many countries around the world.
Our mission quilts are loaded on boxcars for shipment to families in need through Lutheran World Relief annually in October. From
October 2020-October 2021, Trinity quilters completed 370 quilts for LWR which was a great increase from last year due to Covid restrictions. Our 6 graduates each received a quilt, 1 was donated to Sugar Creek for their Annual Quilt and Antique Auction, 1 was donated for a local cancer benefit, 75 were donated to Afghan refugees, and 5 were give each member of a Family Promise Family.
I’d like to thank our current quilters: Joanne Benning, Sherry McClain, Audrey Zebell, Tish Thornton, Karen Edwards, Anita Jensen, Kathleen Sumrall, Joyce M. Anderson, Linda Winterton, Janet Lisney, Shirley Vandervort, Rhonda Miller, Adell Morton, Rita Bernette, Mary Madison, Gale Fisher, and Alice Olson. Also thank you to all who do so much at home by completing tops, liners, and backs. Your dedication to this ministry is so appreciated and we couldn’t accomplish what we do without you!
We accept donations of material, sheets, mattress pads, bedspreads, blankets (including electric blankets). We especially need mattress pads, bedspreads, and blankets for liners. Any items can be placed in the cart outside the office.
Please come and join us in this important ministry at Trinity Lutheran Church.
No special talent is needed, just a willingness to help!
God’s Love-Our Hearts-God’s Work-Our Hands
Alice Olson
Trinity Cares
Trinity Cares Team has a small core but it includes all the members of Trinity who care to participate in
one or more of the outreach efforts during the year.
If you are interested in joining, call Michelle Hyatt at 608-343-0324
If you know someone who could use this type of help, please call Trinity office at 608-269-5081